Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hiking Day! Part I

I loveeee the outdoors, I really do. Especially during the summer when it's dry and sunny out. I really should take advantage of what's left of summer because the next thing I know, it's going to go back to rainy rainy rainy Vancouver :(

Anyway, a few days ago, we decided to do a nice hike to Rice Lake. It was a beautiful day. Super sunny, but not hot at all.  

Me capturing my OOTD, while my mom is stretching (lunges?) next to me.

Seriously, this is freaking postcard material! They don't call it 'BEAUTIFUL British Columbia' for no reason... 

Decisions... go for the shortest trail of course haha.

Step ONE,


I wonder why dogs aren't allowed :( Or else I'd bring Noodles. He'd have so much fun there!

Another postcard worthy pic... seriously, it should be called SUPER Beautiful British Columbia!!

Stay tuned for part 2...

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