Tuesday, September 11, 2012


They didn't have my size in store, so I ordered online...

They are by Material Girl and I bought a red-orange pair in the spring and have fallen in loveeee.$29.99 is a steal!

Nails: Maroon & Gold Flakes

Saw a quick tutorial on how to do this on Instagram, so I decided to give it a try!

Materials used: Essie 'All in one base' base coat, Color Club (name of color unknown), Essie 'Good to go' top coat & gold flakes/ gold leaf (got a 3 g bag from Michaels).

Did the usual. Base coat, colour, then top coat. While the top coat was still wet, I added a few gold flakes and then sealed it in with one more layer of top coat.

I am in loveeee with this Color Club nail polish. It's the perfect vampy, bloody maroon colour and its gel-like consistency made the application so smooth and easy. This nail polish came in a pack of 7 for $14.99! Major steal, and actually the first time I've seen Color Club in Vancouver. I've had the colour on for about a day now and no chips yet. The Essie top coast I use usually turns the crappiest and cheapest nail polishes into super long lasting superstars, so we'll see how it holds up into the week.

Chow chow!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Hiking Day Part II!

After a good hike, we had to reward ourselves with a good meal!

Headed to Horseshoe Bay and came across Troll's. Apparently they are the 'Home of the most famous fish & chips'. Hmmm we'll see...

Clam chowdaaa. It was alright. Not too creamy and thick, which is good.

Shrimp and crab club sandwich... the shrimp and crab filling was fresh and amazing, but I wish they toasted the bread.

And.... Fish & Chips! To be honest, it was good, but I've had wayy better.

Explored the area a bit. Aboriginal art inspired animal puppets! Cute! The froggie looks like he has red lipstick on hehe.

Beautiful view of the harbour. Ferry to Vancouver Island on the right.

Pretty flowers :)

So rare to see such clear water in Vancouver. Or maybe it's because I don't hang out on beaches along the coasts enough.

Such a beautiful day!

I really felt like a tourist that day. Born and raised in Vancouver and I've never explored Horseshoe Bay properly before! Tsk tsk tsk! Have to squeeze in a few more of these adventures before the nice weather ends!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hiking Day! Part I

I loveeee the outdoors, I really do. Especially during the summer when it's dry and sunny out. I really should take advantage of what's left of summer because the next thing I know, it's going to go back to rainy rainy rainy Vancouver :(

Anyway, a few days ago, we decided to do a nice hike to Rice Lake. It was a beautiful day. Super sunny, but not hot at all.  

Me capturing my OOTD, while my mom is stretching (lunges?) next to me.

Seriously, this is freaking postcard material! They don't call it 'BEAUTIFUL British Columbia' for no reason... 

Decisions... go for the shortest trail of course haha.

Step ONE,


I wonder why dogs aren't allowed :( Or else I'd bring Noodles. He'd have so much fun there!

Another postcard worthy pic... seriously, it should be called SUPER Beautiful British Columbia!!

Stay tuned for part 2...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hair Model

A few days ago, my high school locker buddy called me out of the blue and asked if I wanted to be a hair model for an 'up do' hair competition. What did I say? YES of course haha.

Susan worked on my hair and she has magic hands!

I've never had my hair braided so beautifully before! Needless to say, Susan won the competition! Woooooot!

And here's the even better part! After taking out all the bobby pins and such, I had the most amazing BIG SEXY HURRR (It was wayy bigger in person I swear):

Xxxxxxx Os

Friday, September 7, 2012

DIY Woven (Tangle free) Headphones with Embroidery Floss

Hi hi! So I was a bit over ambitious in my previous post... I ended up doing ONE project hahaha! Hey, better than none right? But checkkk it out! I think I did a pretty good job!

Materials used: embroidery floss (pink, peach and metallic gold, didn't go for the yellow), iphone headphones and some pink beads, which are not shown because I decided to add them later).

Started on the lower part of the 'Y' shape of the headphones. Wasn't sure about adding the beads but my sis was like "waa so bling!" so I knew that it was a go!

This section took the !@#$#@% longest! I watched through a National Geographic marathon about the incredible 'super powers' of different animals...

Anyway, the metallic gold appears to be silver in this photo, but I swear it's GOLD!!

The upper parts of the headphones went considerably faster. Maybe because I was getting the hang of things or maybe I was super pumped while watching Sherlock (UK version)! And finally....


I'd say that this is a pretty cool project if you have a day to spare. Or I guess you can complete it over a few days. From my experience, iphone headphones are quite delicate. I've gone through 3 pairs in the past 2 years! My last pair just lost sound on one side for no reason, the second pair got ran over by a car.... and the first pair was stolen by my brother and by the time I got them back the wires were exposed in several different areas... So OK, maybe it was just a series of unfortunate events, but my point is that I think that the woven embroidery floss will act as some kind of 'shield' for the cords. I was actually a bit paranoid while weaving... I was scared that if I tied the knots too tightly, it'll damage the wires inside the cords. Anyway, I doubt I was able to damage them that way and we will see how strong this 'shield' is! Oh, and of course, I will enjoy the assurance that I will not have to untangle these headphone cords ever again!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Gardening Adventures!

Hai! So I finished my with my job applications, so now it's DIY time! Before I start, let me share with you my little gardening adventures.

As I've mentioned in my last post, I really despise gardening solely because insects are creepy and scary, and when working with plants, soil and the outdoors it's inevitable that you will encounter one, two, or an entire swarm of them (oh noessss....). Anyway, I think my first encounter with terrariums was on Etsy, but of course, it would cost ridiculous amounts of $$$$$$ to ship to Canada, and the set-ups would include everything except the plant... what was the point? Then of course, I had the genius idea of DIY-ing one myself. After countless YouTube videos, DIY blogs and THIS very helpful page from Apartment therapy, oh and couple of visits to a huge gardening store near my house... this was my first project:

Got some air plants since they are super low maintenance and do not require soil! Thus less chances of dealing with insects! Super plus + + + + + +!! Since there would be no soil, I had to have some type of substrate to mount the plants on, so I went to the clearance aisle at Michaels and picked up 2 bags of decorative crushed glass ($2.50 each) and some sparkly white sand (about $5 after the 40% coupon I used). And then....

...Voila! The spherical glass, which I searched everywhere for, is from Winner's for about $5 and the other vase was just hanging around at home. I also mounted the plants inside of seashells my sis collected in the Phillipines. Air plants just need regular mists or soaking of dechlorinated water (which I get from my fish tanks) and are supposedly really hard to kill... so if my air plants die, I will be sad sad sad sad sad!!

So since there were no insect encounters and my hands and nails stayed relatively clean from that 'gardening' adventure, I was brave enough to venture into the world of plants that require soil... Let me admit that I was still really reluctant, but these beauties won me over:

I found another vase lying around my house (a fishbowl style) and followed the instructions on Apartment Therapy's DIY page by layering pebbles/rocks, carbon, black sand, soil (!!!), some of the leftover crushed glass from my previous project, and of course, adding the plants:

Besides encountering the odd bee nearly flying into me (yes, I did this outdoors, and it was a windy day), this project was also pretty creepy critter free and somewhat relaxing and fun to do! To take care of these tropical plants, I place them in a spot where they don't receive direct sunlight and I spray or water them, depending on how dry the soil looks, with my fish tank water.

I think I'm done with terrariums and gardening in general for now, but I'm still on the look out for super cool looking terrarium ideas and inspiration for future projects. So if you have a nice terrarium, please share! And if you have questions, I'll try my best to answer!
